I want to discuss the concerns surrounding wisdom teeth extraction and whether it is advisable to remove all wisdom teeth at the same time. As a dental surgeon in Singapore with experience in various dental procedures, including wisdom teeth extraction, I aim to provide insights that will help you make an informed decision. Through my professional experience, I will address the topic and share my perspective on the matter.
To begin, it is crucial to grasp the role of wisdom teeth and the reasons they might require extraction. Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, due to limited space in the mouth, they often become impacted or partially erupted, leading to issues such as pain, infection, crowding, or damage to adjacent teeth.
When considering the simultaneous removal of all wisdom teeth, several factors come into play. One advantage is the consolidation of the recovery period, minimising overall downtime and inconvenience for the patient. Additionally, opting for simultaneous extractions may be more cost-effective compared to multiple separate procedures and that also means taking antibiotics and painkillers at one single time versus taking this multiple times if the procedure is staged.
However, there are potential drawbacks to this approach. Extracting multiple teeth at once may result in a more extensive surgical procedure and a longer recovery period, accompanied by swelling, discomfort, and challenges in eating or speaking. Some patients may also experience heightened anxiety or apprehension about undergoing a more complex treatment.
Ultimately, the decision to extract all wisdom teeth together depends on individual circumstances and considerations. Factors such as the patient's overall oral health, the severity of impaction or crowding, and their tolerance for the procedure and recovery should be carefully assessed.
As a dental professional, my recommendation is always tailored to each patient's specific needs and concerns. I collaborate closely with patients to discuss their treatment options, address any questions or fears they may have, and perhaps whether oral sedation, intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia may be more appropriate depending on the difficulty of the case and how apprehensive the patient is.
One of my patients, sought my advice regarding impacted wisdom teeth causing discomfort and difficulty in chewing. After a thorough examination, I determined that extraction was necessary to alleviate her symptoms and prevent further complications. During our discussion of treatment options, including the possibility of removing all wisdom teeth simultaneously, I made sure to address Fiona's concerns and preferences.
Understanding her apprehensions about a more extensive procedure, I proposed a phased approach. We decided to start by extracting the most problematic tooth and then proceed with subsequent extractions in follow-up visits. This tailored approach allowed Fiona to undergo treatment at a pace that suited her comfort level, minimising discomfort and anxiety throughout the process. By prioritising patient-centred care and adapting the treatment plan to her needs, I aimed to ensure a positive experience and successful treatment outcome. She could have also considered removal of her teeth under General Anaesthesia and if had been on the right insurance policy that might have been completely covered.

where wisdom teeth pose potential risks, extracting them can be vital for preventing